a Prophetic disclosure given in The WORD of GOD on how to be changed into the
New Creation that GOD has created you to be, and it comes from speaking
prophetically over your OWN LIFE. NOW is the time when you must rise up and be
the person GOD created you to be.
transformation can only come from what GOD has already spoken about you, not
from what others have perceived you to be, or even what they may say.
This is where the Battle for who YOU are must be
1Tm 1:18 This
charge I commit unto thee, son Timothy, according to the prophecies which went
before on thee, that thou by them mightest war a good warfare;
the words spoken over your life are for more than just listening to every now
and then. You must come to the understanding that prophetic words carry the
weight of HEAVEN on them, and it’s these Prophetic Words and Decrees of GOD’S
HEAVENLY WILL that will manifest in your life here on the earth. They’re the
Principles of The Kingdom setting you up to live that Kingdom Life here and
Now! This is why you must be constantly speak your prophetic promises over
yourselves, for they are the seeds YOU plant into your own life. This is the
creative power that God has entrusted to you. See, you get to decide what’s
going to grow in your future and it is all based upon what you are speaking.
if you don't see the sprouts of the prophetic words of destiny in your life
right away, it is because Prophetic Words run along the Time Line of The
good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and
an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things. But I say unto
you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof
in the day of judgment. For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy
words thou shalt be condemned.
When you exercise The Testimony of
Jesus(The Spirit of Prophecy) over your own life, you’ll begin to see that
there’s a river forming in the midst of your belly, a river yearning to fill
not only your life, but the lives of others you come into contact with; it’s
the river of The Spirit of Prophecy, and the forming of this river is a
glorious thing, for these rivers of Living Water within you are giving life to
those that are thirsty.
Jn 7:37-38 In the last day, that great day of the
feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come to me,
and drink. He that believes on me, as the scripture
has said, out of his belly will flow
rivers of living water.
Spirit of Prophecy is like a river running on inside of you, filling all the
vessels that are willing to hear with words of purification, words that will
set your spirit right, and create in you a clean heart of the life of The
Spirit. But, the key is, are you Willing to HEAR.
second Key is, are you willing To DO. This is the strategy of the Kingdom, for
we cannot just hear the Words of direction that come to us, we must do them,
for if not, they will only become words of complacency and thoughts of things
we should have done. They will become silent reminders of who it was we Could
have been, and of where it was we Should have ended up. For there are no
bystanders standing in the river, yes, we have those that will wade in the
water, but the time of floating in the prophetic words of your own life is
coming to an end, that time of only remembering what a prophet had told you,
and loving the way the words sounded as they were spoken to you, but you never
really did anything with them, you just soaked in the river pools of the
prophetic. You must understand, the River of Prophecy is MOVING, it's ALWAYS
flowing, and will carry those who are willing to get in all the way, those
willing to be taken by the current to the destiny that The Spirit has for them.
This is the life that is lived in the river that flows.
you begin to speak prophetically you must come to first learn the lesson that
the Word you give also has an impact for you to embrace. The prophetic word you
give to another, has you in mind as well, for as The Word flows through you, it
leaves traces of The Word spoken remaining in you. It’s like when you pour out
a cup that has been filled with water, there’s still a remnant of what the cup
was holding inside, even after it has been poured completely out.
now, you must begin to walk in what GOD has called you to do; prophesy. This is
the sign of the peculiarity in every believer today, this is what makes you
different from the rest of the world; your words, your PROPHETIC WORDS. For
when you speak back to GOD what HE sees you as, your aligning yourself with
what HE has already said of you. It’s then that HE tunes HIS ear to your words,
for in essence HE is hearing HIS own native language being spoken back to him
by his very own people. HE hears, along with all of Heaven, a language of
prophetic declaration, the language of CREATION; say it and see it come to
your Father will not force you to speak, so it’s up to you to open your mouth
and declare to the world with your prophetic voice, who he has called you to
be, where he has called you to go, and what he has given you to possess.
Silence will bring you nothing, but, a voice of Prophetic Praises will open up
the doors of heaven and release a rainfall of prophetic blessing upon you,
10:5,6 After that thou shalt come to the hill of God, where is the garrison of
the Philistines: and it shall come to pass, when thou art come thither to the
city, that thou shalt meet a company of prophets coming down from the high
place with a psaltery, and a tabret, and a pipe, and a harp, before them; and
they shall prophesy: And the Spirit of the LORD will come upon thee, and thou
shalt prophesy with them, and shalt be turned into another man. And let it be,
when these signs are come unto thee, that thou do as occasion serve thee; for
God is with thee.
all have to come to the place where it’s just us and HIM, you and GOD, so take
the time and look for those who have the Prophetic Gift, look for The Prophets,
for they are associated, then saturate yourself with the flow from the
prophetic river of life. These are vital elements of walking in the Newness of
the life of The Spirit that Christ has offered to you.
will not transform you by force, it’s up to you to offer up yourself to him. You have to let go of all the
unnecessary weights; circumstances or people that weigh you down. These are not
going where you're going, and they have nothing to do with what HE has called
you to possess. Sit back and lean on Christ, for GOD has not called you to be
busy about with the Life of the World, the hustle and bustle of keeping up. But
GOD has called you as a believer to live a Life of Simplicity, recognizing who
you are, and what is to go with you on the journey that HE has for your life.
There can be nothing of the past, only what’s fresh and new. HE said HE was
going to do a New Thing in the earth, and it’s beginning with HIS people.
your mind, and set things in order. Don't put up with what used to be, become
God’s New Creature in the earth and prophesy! Prophecy begins with The Father
Directing YOU! YOU are The Church and YOU need the Direction of The Spirit in