Friday, September 25, 2015


We were worshiping, and then it started. I began to sing "Holy, holy, holy."  Right then, at that very moment, as the words left my mouth, it was as if a multitude of angels all entered into the room at once. You could feel the thickness of what they carried, His presence flooded every one of my senses, and then, you could hear, not audibly, but in The Spirit, they were singing. It was then that I felt it, a "Suddenly." It was influencing me to look up, then I heard, "I AM is releasing a time of Suddenlies." I stared at the ceiling, still in that fixed state of The Spirit, knowing what's going on around you, but still aware of that other realm. The roof slowly faded, and the heavens opened. I then heard The Lord say, “Truly, I have extended the opening of the heavens, enlarging the tent pegs of this place, so that I can release a Greater Vision of what I want to do in MY PEOPLE. Then there was a shifting, the heavens and the stars began to swirl. The Lord said, “Truly I have made you as the Stars of the Heavens,” then there was another shift, but this time it was of people who positioned themselves to receive of the Greater Release of Vision. The Lord says "My people are going to begin shifting, shifting in what I have called them to do, shifting in the aligning of their lives to receive this Greater Release. It is in the timing of The Lord that we are going to be the people that God has created us to be. God is RIGHT NOW speaking prophetically to HIS people, and we have to begin to stay in our identity and not be lured into a different way. We must stay in the identity that we have been given. So then here is the question, Who are YOU?

Find your Stone of Identity, and step into it!

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Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Greater Spiritual Vision Released III

Prophetic Inspiration, or, what we have come to know as prophecy, is truly a gift of Spiritual Creativeness, creating not only what your future will look like, and what your future will consist of, but also, what you will possess in the future. Prophecy that comes from out of a spiritually inspired life, breaks the mold of what a normal life looks like. Prophecy transforms ordinary days into supernatural timelines, actually growing you forward into eternity.  If you can, see it in this way, God continually wants to start something new, because it is his very nature to create, thus, he has given this part of himself to us, through the words we speak over our own lives. He has given us this anointing, a starters anointing.

This "Starters Anointing," is actually the ability to start something in your future, with the words that you speak today. Moreover, if we can truly believe this, then, we will be careful of the words we are speaking. We, as a prophetic kingdom people are born to “see” things shift and change. This is the portion given to us from an enlightened word, for he lit us (the prophets) before we came into the world. This prophetic burning planted in us enables The Spirit to produce his purposes for us to walk in; manifesting pieces of the Kingdom. When we get a direction from the Spirit of The Word, and he unctions us to speak that word prophetically over our own lives, giving it back to him in prayer, it is at that time we should be aware of running into what we are planting. We should be able to spiritually feel our lives enter into this supernatural shift, as we approach the growth of what we planted into our future. Depending on the spiritual timeline, it can be a day, a week, a month, or even a year from the time when we began to release it back to the father in prayer, this is why it is so crucial for us to WATCH the prophetic destined over us.
Everything starts from a seed (a word) when dealing in the kingdom, and we must recognize when the seed (word) must be transplanted into the right soil environment (Church). See, if we keep moving from one place to the next, then we keep transplanting that word, never giving it a place to root and grow. For the seed (word) must grow in you, but the “Greenhouse”(church) you are in, will determine the amount of growth you will receive. For every greenhouse is set to grow and develop certain types of plants, thus the (temperature, fervency-heat, excellency-coolness; moisture, watering, the amount of biblical teaching; and airflow, how much is the Spirit allowed to move) is different in every house.

The shift and change brought about by the wind of the Spirit will usher us to move into a kingdom culture, not just a Jesus culture, but a culture of The Entire King! King Jesus.

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Author,. Frank Cyrus McCormack

The Vision Bible Jude 1:8-11 (The Prophetic Inspiration)

8 The same is for you, you dreamers of false dreams, beguiled with sensual images that carry you away to a wicked course of conduct. You stir up false hope by giving direction that does not line up with the Word of GOD, contaminating the Body of Christ by dying their garments and mantles with jealousy, and envy. You oppose The Spirit by despising the government of The Lord, which he has birthed, setting aside his spiritual order and Kingdom economy in the earth, casting it off like a discarded garment, degrading not only his beauty, but also anyone thinking truthfully about his Glory inspired by the Holy Spirit.
9 Here we see the Scripture asking you a question through the name of Michael. When we look at the implications of his name, we can see the treasure released from The Kingdom. The first implication is-“Who is like God, or like the Strength of the Almighty?” We get the answer to this question with the second implication, “the Poor and Humble.” See, you, are like God (Gen1:26), a prophetic messenger walking humbly in the strength of the Almighty, yet ranking above all others. You’ve been exalted by the Father into a place of leadership, and have the power to administer The Kingdom, by fully separating what belongs to The Spirit, from that which is natural through discernment, “sifting out” Satan’s schemes against the form, and manner of the praying Church. You combat the Devil in intercession as a sound whole body, not divided by doctrines, but taken out and drawn forth from the water of The Word, sanctified ones that will not accuse others with boldness or even courage. There will be no fleshly judgments coming from your lips, for this would be blaspheme against God’s Justice and Divine Law (Job33:3, Ps17:1, 34:13, Is6:5-7). You are not the accuser of our brothers, and only the Lord has estimated the worth and value of every believer; he has set the price.
10 For there are those that blaspheme the great things of God, yet know nothing about them, degrading them as mere circumstances or explainable experiences. For their eyes have never seen, and their ears have not known the incredible things invading your life from the realm of The Spirit. Their guide in this life is their own nature, producing only instincts that set up ungodly beliefs in their soul, where there is no Spirit involved. Now even though they can comprehend and have a general understanding of The Word, they have an irrational and unreasonable union with the divine expression of God, which is Christ. They live a resurrected life of the old man in every way, wasting away by moral influences, resting in this life, and its beliefs, for this is where they are secure.
11 Because of this, God is going to release to you that are upon the threshing floor (Is21:10), grieving strategies of intercession (2Chr6:29,30), for grieving will be a weapon in this time of prophetic intervention. This divine purpose will be for you to pierce into the realm of The Spirit, experiencing the road your adversary uses to progress his schemes; a road armed with poisoned darts that he seeks to shoot into the hearts of the righteous. You prophetic intercessors will be able to see those that pour forth fraudulent strategies of deceptive words, false teachers, and prophets ushering in failure to the people instead of victory, bestowing upon them eternal destruction, and they‘re doing it for reward. There main objective is to fully destroy the Body of Christ. But you will cast down their disobedient arguments through the strategies you have been given in your time of intercession, for you have seen those waters of contradiction that have been frozen through time, appearing as the smoothness of ice, as though not to stir any strife in the midst of the Body.

The Vision Video Update-9-11-15

Greater Spiritual Vision Part II

A Greater Spiritual VISION RELEASED Part II

We have to come to the place where our response is greater to his speaking, then just the familiar phrase that comes with our “Christianese” of, “that’s a Good Word.” Too often, I hear conferences where the revelation that comes forth, is truly, a strategy released from Heaven, and should bring MOVEMENT to the Body, moving us to DO, but we are still in the same place. 

             We have gotten so used to receiving revelation after revelation, experience after experience and confirmation after confirmation. What do we think that all of these, exposures to The Spirit are for?  There for us to do something, if we find ourselves doing nothing with what he has ALREADY given to us, then we must consider this. Are we becoming “Spiritual Gluttons,” that move from feast to feast?
See, a restructuring of our hearing must take place, so that we can move INTO what the Spirit wants to do, instead of just being entertained with what we see him doing. If you are not doing anything with what he has given you, then The Spirit has only become another form of Christian Entertainment to you, and just like the worlds from of entertainment today, you can switch the channel, when you want to receive something else that peaks your interest. We have to transition from just “hearing” the word, to actually “seeing,” what that Word wants to do in our lives. Too often, we receive a word from the Lord and really do not like what THE WORD wants to do in us, so we place that word on the shelf and pick a “New Word,” something that suits our taste for the time being.  
When there is a releasing of A Prophetic Word, we must literally see the revelation being released, “you know if that word was for you or not, we all do.” Then, in some tangible way apply that word, or better yet, be open to see how that Word wants to apply itself to your life. We have to let the prophetic word have control, instead of us, trying to control what we want the prophetic word to do for us. We must let the word have free reign in our lives and try not to manage it, but truly release it.

Because of this, a restructured vision must occur, to bring about
a Prophetic Revolution in our lives.

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Author,. Frank Cyrus McCormack

The Vision Bible UPDATE!

The VISION BIBLE-Jude 1:4-7

4 But remember, there are false prophets that have come into the Body, appointed to do so, settling in alongside of you to steal the Liberty of Christ in your Life (Gal5:1). They have entered in secretly, seemingly gazing at remarkable things of eternity with wide-open eyes. This is not the first time they have come on the scene, for they were written of before, and described of old, Jezebel, Haman, Cain, Goliath, Pharaoh, Delilah, and Judas, just to name a few. These demonic spirits have no reverence or adoration towards God; wicked. Here are some character traits of these spirits trying to infiltrate the body, it is who the Word says they are, but most importantly, who they are going to be (Lev19:30, Ps89:7, Mt21:37). See, they are trying to bring an ungodly influence upon believers, seeking to cut off the true spiritual prophets of God (1Kings18:4). Turning God’s influence upon your heart, and what that looks like in the life you live, into negligence. They say that you are spiritually excessive, careless, taking no thought of your actions; that you have nothing but lustful emotions. They subtly utter forth words of doubt and rejection, completely downplaying the comforter, and rejecting the one that remains within you. They are trying to discard your true husband, contradicting every anointed word of salvation that helps you to be open, wide and free; prophetic direction that The Spirit has spoken to you personally. 5 So stay close and pay attention, for the Lord’s Grace and Mercy is willing to remind you of all these things(1Chr22:9 Job34:29 Ecc4:6, Ps72:16), quietly suggesting them to you in your dreams, visions, and times of prophetic intercessions, bringing to memory his protection and deliverance. For there was a time when you clearly discerned his salvation, every moment that he delivered you from places of trouble and oppression, environments that came upon you with extreme stress and pressure. Now once this spiritual Nation of Israel, which is the Body of Christ, remembers all of these things, he will begin to destroy those that have no vision, those who do not fully rely upon him for their spiritual well-being.6 See, there is one thing that you come in danger of, just as the angelic host did before you, and now also these prophetic heralds, and false shepherds. You have a spiritual obligation to watch the prophetic words spoken over your life, clearly discerning the strategies that fulfill the commands of The Father; this too, they did not do (Job4:18). These words of prophetic vision rehearsed over your life since before the beginning are the strategies of the Kingdom, and have a very specific purpose, victory over the enemy. So now, understand this, that rebellious host, which forsook their own private world, now has an eternal watch over them, guarding them from escaping the shackles of misery and ignorance, shrouding over them like a dark cloud. These wicked ones held, are the ransom for the righteous, as they await the separation of the Divine Law from the words of men. Along with this, the place of their forsaking, God is now creating for you in the realm of The Spirit (Jn14:2,3), if you keep these prophecies, for all prophecies that fulfill commands must be kept. 7 This is the reason for the scorching of the flames, wicked secrets in your lives becoming a spiritual cementing, and the gathering of sheaves turning into a ruined heap, in this same way, the strategies you have gathered of false prophets to build a city of defending, became nothing but a place to indulge in your unlawful lusts. Following what is opposed to the Spirit, and using your flesh as a broom to brush him off, walking in a nature never designed for you. If you continue in this, God will stand you forth as a yearning example exhibited to the world. So stop holding yourself in a position of inferiority, if not, you will receive the justice that comes through the undying fire, making yourself subject to the judgment of the Divine Law of God, when you were designed to be a Kingdom Priest.

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The VISION BIBLE-Jude 1:1-3

We have taken some 15 years working on this project, and with The Help of The Spirit, we are coming into a completion date of the NT. We are currently trying to get the the Word out, literally about this work.  We hope you take the time to read this prophetically inspired work on the Book of Jude, so enjoy, and please share.
The Book of Jude-Introduction
These spiritual life-giving truths are nuggets of revelation and direction from the praise and confession of The LORD. This honor, authority and character of Jude’s name, is how we are going to view this letter, a spiritual viewpoint that the praise and confession of The Lord is addressing you, the believer. There are two sides of this praise and confession coming through The Lord into your life, his praise as an instrument of encouragement, helping you to walk on the road of destiny, and his confession into your life, declaring who you are in The Kingdom, now even though you cannot see it yet, he is imparting it into you. The second is that in which you must be actively doing, praising the work of The Lord in your life, and in the creation in which you live. When you see his plan unfolding right in front of you, praise him for it, praise him for giving you the sight to see it unfold. Now, Confess who The Lord is in your life, and What HE has prophetically declared over you, giving it back to The Father so that HE can breathe life into it, causing it to generate into REALITY.

The Praise and Confession
of The Lord

1:1-3 You are the celebrated of The LORD, and it is his confession of praise continually deposited into you. This declaration of revelation then comes through you as a spiritual outflow, tying everything associated with salvation and deliverance to your life, anointed in Christ and knitted together in The Spirit. When you release this confession of praise, an assembling happens, like a spiritual puzzle fitting together all the prophetic words and strategies spoken over you. These spiritual purposes that have been set up in your life become the place of incubation, a spiritual womb to develop the latter army, becoming fully conceived and pushed out in the birth pangs of eternity, soldiers of the Last Days (2Tim2:3). You will be a remnant saint, separated from profane things and dedicated to God, unseating the schemes of the enemy through the Holy strategies given to you in the Word, and now distributed by The Holy Spirit to the rest of the Body. Now that you have been set apart and made Holy, you will find yourself associated with GOD the Father in all things through Christ, embracing the fullness of the God Head. You are a modern day Levite, watching and guarding prophetic words, preventing any that fulfill the commands of Jesus from escaping. A prophetic intercessor pressing into the things of the Kingdom, preserved in the oil of Anointing. It is right here that we see your name change, “The Called” (Rev 17:14). These are not only characteristics and classifications, but also a surname of who you are with Christ. “Called,” to the Wedding feast of the Bridegroom, along with “The Chosen” and “Faithful” (Rev19:9). 2 This is why God’s living compassion is continually breathing upon you, for every moment of everyday; his tender mercy is kissing your life. See the mercy of GOD will always be functioning in an active way; constructing a law of prosperity and oneness with the Father, for he sees you associated with him in intimacy through this mercy, giving you the ability to abide in his quietness, resting in his presence. His love fills you up completely, fulfilling your time here on earth (Prov8:21), supplying the influence in you, and allowing you to give out his mercy, peace and love. This LOVE influence will be the motive that directs you in the way of the Father. 3 Beloved, you have to love, and find yourself worthy of the love appointed over you. You also have to do your studying in the Word of God with eagerness, expecting to receive clear direction from the Holy Spirit. When you apply your life to God’s Word, he will begin to show you what is in Christ. See, the outer layer is the Letter of the Word, but the inner, which is past the flesh, exists on the other side of the piercing, “Behind the Veil.” These inner revelations engraved upon you, are describing God’s motives to your heart, taking the cover off Christ so that all can share in this Glorious union of salvation. Christ the Savior is calling you closer, to struggle and compete for the prize, contending against your adversary (1Cor9:24-27). This is why you must rely upon him for your salvation, convicted by the truthfulness of God, and constantly professing his truth. There can be no other you put your Faith and trust in. It seems at the end of this verse you are given a prophetic key. There’s a season coming when the Holy Spirit will begin to breathe upon the “Called, Chosen and Faithful.” You will see a second outpouring of the faith, entrusted to those before you. An unwavering faith in the End Times, surrendered over with confidence to all who believe and hold on to the promises of God found in Christ(2Cor1:20, 7:1).

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Spiritual VISION

A Greater Spiritual 
We are just beginning to see the “New Things” The Lord is releasing into the lives of those that hear, and then obey. For there WILL NOT be an impartation from The Spirit, unless there is an activation of obedience. The reason being, is the front position of inspiration will become that which brings an influence to the rest of the Body, if you expect others to follow, you must first be able to hear and obey. There is a culture that we as the Body must begin to manifest, a lifestyle we MUST be actively aware of, this Way of Life (for HE is the Way, truth, and Life) exists in the realm of The Kingdom. We must first learn how to activate, and then operate in The Spiritual Empire of Eternity, for the time of our existence in this natural life, is merely a glimpse, compared to that of our Eternal State. Though even now, we can tap into that realm with our naturally frail state. Why do you think the Spirit allows this? The answer is, so that we can learn how to live the major portion of our life, NOW.

These, foretastes we experience have to become more than just “seeing or hearing,” more than just supernatural appearances of The Kingdom in our lives. We must NOW, go into the palace and bring out from within the walls of Eternal Watching’s, what we have been given from the inner courts. Our revelations, visions, and spiritual manifestations have to be tangible, spiritually imparted and then developed in The Body. They have to be more than just descriptive pictures of what we have seen or heard.

Now honestly, would you prefer the description of what the fruits upon the table are like, through someone else’s perception, or actually see the fruit itself, take it, and then enjoy the taste of it. Will you prefer someone’s vision of the throne room, rather than enter into it yourself, and bring something out of it, besides a good description? Something of the Kingdom that you can hold and take with you, something that will absolutely change you, instead of just a good descriptive word.

Here’s a key, first, set your face to seek the Lord, now here is the important part, not that the first is any less, but after you have sought him, recite back to The Lord all that he has done with the prophetic words he gave you. This will take a thoroughly attentive work on your part, are you up for it? See, you have to remember what he said through the prophets that HE sent, and you would’ve had to been watching those words, remembering when they happened and what developed with them, what was birthed through them and is now in your possession, maturing. After this, tell him what YOU have done with those Words, what you did to work along side these spiritual encounters. How did you partake in what he gave you? Tell him exactly what you have done, and how you have functioned in them, or will your story of this recounting be like so many of us with our numerous recordings of prophetic words just taking up space on our phones… 

When The Lord sees that you have used what he gave you, he will bring in the prophetic to give you a fresh word of movement, that's right, something to do than just hear. For there has to be a faithful use of The Testimony, whose testimony, yours, no. For the Testimony of Jesus is The Spirit of Prophecy, so then, there has to be a faithfulness with the use of the Spirit of Prophecy, not for the prophet giving the word, but for the prophetic receiving the word.

To recount what you have done is to place yourself in a position of receiving 
Greater Spiritual Vision.

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Author,. Frank Cyrus McCormack

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