Tuesday, December 9, 2014

The Bride(STILL in Days of Acceleration)

We as the Bride of Christ are coming into seasons
 of preparation;
specific spiritual things that must be laid upon us
in order for us to be presented to The King


The spiritual Bath Mikveh-The bridal “Shower,” so to speak, is not of the uncleanness of the person, but truly about us encountering and experiencing the Power of The Holy. There are places in which the Word of God prescribes immersions, not only for women, but also for men into these "Spiritual Baths." We must also understand that these are no longer ritualistic performances that have set ways in which we must do them. For we have passed over from those things that are Natural, into a Spiritual realm, even though we ourselves are still natural beings.

Here are some prescriptions that were given in The Old Testament for the Spiritual Bath. 
The scribe who works on a Torah scroll or(the believer who finds himself studying in the Word of God), must first immerse himself before writing God's name(we can say there must come a time of JUST reading The Word before we write out anything we want to study). ALL Converts are required to immerse themselves in the mikveh, marking their rebirth as members of the people of Israel(Baptism which makes us The Spiritual Israel as paul states when he declares circumcision is of the HEART and not the outer flesh). Also, some men and women, in preparation to become "dead" to past sins and begin the year with a pure heart, immersing themselves in this “Spiritual Bath.”
Now, a Spiritual Bath, or the mikveh as the Jews say, is a physical enactment, and a private transforming moment. A mikveh is any body of mayim hayim, literally, "living water,"(Jer2:13). So then, with this given, I would search out verses that have the Words "Living Water," in them, and see what The Lord says your Spiritual Bath is to be for this coming year.

Esther(a secret, hidden amongst the myrtle trees) prepared herself with months of treatments before she was presented to the King, calling for a time of sacrifice with prayer and fasting. It is through this that The King attended to her cry, the decree was changed, and the enemy’s plots exposed.

We are coming into specific seasons, where pieces of the Book of Esther will begin to unfold and release prophetic movements into The Body of Christ, Now! The Lord is preparing Modern Day Mordecai’s who have God’s heart, a spirit of adoption, to prepare Esther, (the Bride of Christ) “for such a time as this.”
The Holy Spirit has been searching for who will be chosen by the King, those of us who sense the “pleasure of the Lord” and where this presence rests. for we are still in “Days of Acceleration,” and we must move when we sense the Momentum of God moving. Prophetic Govt’s must be released in the times of our corporate worship to sense where the Lord is going, and what we are to do once we get there (this does not mean the pastor taking or assuming all 5 offices. We can no longer have just one finger that points, but we need every finger, every office in a different person to form a HAND in order to grasp what The Lord is doing). This must happen, in order for the Church to move forward with the momentum of the Lord through these “Days of Acceleration.” For there are specific things we must do in order to be propelled forward.This will release the Holy Spirit’s fresh oil upon our works, words, and giftedness, speeding up open doors that have been closed and bringing closure to things of the past. God’s presence will release favor upon chosen vessels, and the purposes of God will accelerate at a rapid speed.


Thursday, October 23, 2014

Prophetic VISION


        We must have the Prophetic Vision to “SEE” gifting’s in people(The Church) who are coming into a season of being "released from their caves." These will emerge with a new zeal and fire through the completion of spiritual phases in their development; they “learned” the lessons needed to move up Higher. They will be connected to The Spirit in a way as never before, producing new prophetic flows with more spiritual intensity in the realms of The Prophetic. There will be Greater seasons of building prophetic relationships, as strategic assignments are entrusted. These assignments will come with an anointed "shift," meaning an influx of prophetic awareness will ignite a stir of the Holy Spirit, because the Spirit will be "pulling those who have believed" to the next level, Holy Ghost constructed fellowships. God is infiltrating fellowships with one cause, an "uneasiness" in comfort. "Light" will shift in the lives of individuals where true friendship builds HIS DIRECTION through The Spirit. 

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The Two are ONE

The Holy Spirit is beginning to set up strategic passages that He has carved for the body to move through. These Living river currents will be opened up and received by those who are Pressing into it. Doors will open within the realms of the Spirit! We must have a clear cut ear to hear the right direction that we must go, for not all prophetic moves or words have there beginnings IN HIM.  

There is an Anointing being placed upon The Family, to reposition, and place them in the proper order, helping them to walk into the Destiny for their own Household. This repositioning  will occur as the Prophetic begins to breakout within the homes of Disciples. The Holy Spirit will move on the family to reveal the unfolding of what HE has ordained husbands and wives to be; a Unit in the midst of The Body. We see a glimpse of it in Hos2:1
Hos2:1 Say ye unto your brethren, Ammi; and to your sisters, Ruhamah.

We have to see this as Brothers(Ammi) and Sisters(Ruhamah) in the Lord. See this is where the strategy of The Spirit is found, for when a brother(Ammi) and sister(Ruhamah) in the Lord marry, the Two Become ONE. So then we now have “Ammi-Ruhamah,” which interpreted is Ammi-My people, and Ruhamah-Have obtained mercy. When the two become one we have “My people have obtained Mercy,” this is why it is so crucial for Husbands and wives in the Lord to walk together in UNITY!

It is this revelation that will shift husbands and wives to seek out the perfect will of God for their lives. Both will come to agreement with God's process and where He desires to take them. It is this oneness that will shift their personal lives, bringing in a time of testing the ability to see the relationship as God sees it; blessed unions.


Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Obedience Conference.

Obedience Conference

Our GOD is the only one that is GOOD all the time
No One is GOOD but the FATHER only.

Jesus was The firstfruit of a New breed that was about to come full force to the earth; "Disciples of Help". These are now being conceived to bring an anointed assistance with and by The Spirit; they are the "Helper's Breed." 
Many Leaders (pastors) will be threatened by these helpers of The Spirit, communing within themselves that their own pastoral shine will diminish. The insecurities of their own heart will counsel them that they have arrived to tear down what has already been built, just as the pharisees did in the time of Christ. In essence, these anointed helpers are only there to bring what The Lord is currently releasing in the form of Fresh revelation, mingled with New Prophetic Direction for specific bodies.

This, "new breed," is being set up for a specific purpose in believers gatherings all around the world. The spiritual basis for their current conception is being found in the scripture pouring itself out into the earth; have an ear to hear what the Spirit is doing now! 

When the birthing takes place, they will bring about an understandable hearing that gives prophetic direction to do! This helpers anointing, is mantled over them like a swaddling cloth, from the conception of The Spirit; the Ultimate Helper. They will not be positioned to teach you how to do, but will manifest what to do, you will have to decide whether or not you want to do!

Amos 8:11 Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of Hearing the Words of the LORD:

There is a Famine of the HEARING of the Word of the Lord, for the Word of the Lord is The Spirit's word concerning the Word of God, it's the literal Logos, The Written Word. Those that can hear this Word flowing in the midst of the river have been born from out of the river, born of water and The Spirit; the Spiritual Word. Spiritual Moses'.

John 3:5 Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. 

At this present moment, God’s word is everywhere, and in any translation or version you would like. You can take hold of this treasure any time, from an App on your phone, to an e-book for your nook, but, the famine is not in the availability of The Word of God, it's in the hearing. The Intelligent understanding that enables the believer to perform the Word of the Spirit. See, the Word of GOD is able to recognize the intentions and motivations of the heart; the Word can see what the heart is thinking. This is why the hearing must become the substructure of what we build our Spiritual lives upon; its crucial to our survival. If we can hear, and then consequently do obediently that which we have read and heard, the Word will discern that the motives and intentions of our Prayers, will not be spent on our selfish desires. 

The Bible says that the most deceitful thing in us, besides the tongue, is our heart. Our heart is the basis upon which our tongues speak, for it is out of the abundance of the heart that the mouth will...This is why we so need the Word of GOD to bring guidance to our hearts.

We must understand the Word of GOD
have a teachable Spirit, 
not thinking within ourselves that because we have a title or position, we have attained. 

John 21:25 And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen.

Deut 29:29 The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law.

We are coming into a TIME of Revealing, and The Helper's Breed will manifest what is being revealed in Vision.

Josh 1:8 This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.

Everything in The Word of GOD matters!

The hour to seek the Word of the Lord is now. Have an understanding, and take hold of the right direction for your life. The destiny that has been created is already lying before you; now walk in the appointed place that you hear from The Lord.

1 John 2:27 But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him. 

Jer 18:1,2 The word which came to Jeremiah from the LORD, saying, Arise, and go down to the potter's house, and there I will cause thee to hear my words. 

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Stepping Stones of Identity

Stepping Stones of Identity

So many times, we often struggle to find our Identity in Christ, who are we and more important, who are we to be?  Of course, we know the automatic answers that we often give as believers, we say things like "I am a child of The Most High, I am the beloved in Christ, I'm the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus." 

But specifically, who are you IN CHRIST. I know that most of us might think we know, especially if you're already a Pastor, with a congregation, this is your gift and calling. But what about the rest of us?
I was speaking to a prophet on this subject during a recent men's group and he had said it took him over a decade to Recognize that the gift he was operating in was actually the mantle of His calling.

So then, what is your gift, and how does this specifically run along side with your calling, and how do these two function together in the midst of the corporate body, along with the operation of them in your everyday life.

We recently had a Men's group and with the input of others , I came up with this short little lesson that I am going to share with you, hopefully it can help you answer some of these questions with the Leading of The Holy Spirit.

Stepping Stones to Identity

Prayer-that ALL would come into their Biblical Identity, being drawn in spiritually because of a hunger for what The Lord is doing. "We Want More, LORD!"

The Lord is guiding us to the point that we would reflect less of Who we are
and More of Who HE is IN us. 
We are becoming Spiritual Mirrors that catch HIS Glory 
and reflect it into The World.

Prayer-That The Spirit would reveal Who you are and prompt you to be more in tune with hearing HIM. You can only truly know who you are by Hearing Him, and then acknowledging what you heard, by DOING IT!! We would miss everything if we couldn't hear who we are, and who we are to be. Once we have heard, we have the responsibility to accept who it is that we are. For it is in this acceptance of our Personal Identity, that the directions, words, and decisions we make will flow, they flow from this starting place. 

You have to get rid of who others think you are, especially if it doesn't fall in line with Who You Know The LORD says you ARE!

You must EXERT FAITH in the pursuit of The Lord, finding your Destiny In HIM!

Who are you? Be specific-Who has God called you to be, not only in your own right as an individual believer, but also as a member of the Body of Christ? If you have no idea, right now is the time for the tugging, you must come into the presence, and tug on The Spirit, ask HIM to give you your biblical Identity, ask HIM to give you your New NAME. Throughout the scriptures we see God's people receiving a name change from the Lord, Abram became Abraham, Sarai became Sarah, Hoshea or Oshea was now Joshua, even our Lord received a name change, for he was to be called Immanuel which at birth came to be Jesus. You see, HE calls all his Sheep BY NAME, HE calls them by there Biblical Honor, their Kingdom Authority and Their Heavenly Character.

NOW, who are you to be? Realize that from the previous answer you gave, that this is just a Stepping Stone of Identity, the foundation of who you are to be being laid in Christ. Now go, and build even further from this first foundation stone of identity, for this is the Spiritual House(YOU) that is to be built(currently doing), like a man building his house upon the rock. There is a building that is to be currently taking place, a building that The Spirit is doing IN YOU, upon the foundation, which is Christ, The Corner Stone upon which every other stone fits. 

You have to watch what your heart is established in, for this becomes your mindset and the things that you repeat. 
YOU have to Habitually Re-pattern ourselves.

So now, who are you not? This is a very important factor, for when you know who you are, you can cast aside all other voices that say who they think you are. You can throw aside even your own thoughts which try to remind you of the past person you used to be. So, Who are you not?

In the midst of your New Identity and the Spiritual Realization of it is where your Provision lies. This PRO-VISION is not only for you, but also your family. See, we all have an appetite, and love to eat our own favorite foods which our taste buds enjoy. When we look at this spiritually, we will see that the daily manna we receive will be established by what we feed ourselves. This then is what The Father will send to us.

What does it mean to bring your family Pro-Vision?

And what does it mean to bring it in the midst of who you are? 

example-if God has called you to be a worshiper(remember that this can change with the seasons and timings you are currently in), but, if this is currently the case, then your pro-vision will first flow from out of this aspect of Worship. Are you currently flowing in the prophetic, so then, this too, is the place where your pro-vision will flow from; it will come from the flow of the Prophetic. 

You also have to understand that your pro-vision is not just going to be in this one arena of Spiritual Callings and Gifting's, but at the same time, this is the place where your founding pro-vision (foundation provided) will be from, and the rest of the building will come from this founding. 

Here are a couple of examples of what I call Identity Stones:
A new brother in the Lord had been reading his daily devotional, and it had to do with "Waiting on The Lord." Later that day, he was driving home from work, and while remembering the devotion, a car pulled in front of him and nearly hit him; he almost got into a wreck. It was at this time that he realized, that everything had lined up with the "Timing of The Lord," as he waited on GOD. When he came to share this testimony, we saw that his "First Stone" that the Lord was setting up was a "Timing Stone," and everything that He was going to build was going to start with this "First Stone," for everything was going to be in HIS(The Lord's) Timing. 
Another brother of mine, kept getting songs in his head, with the chords to them as well, but he kept putting off writing them down, not sure what to do. I told him to get a journal and begin to write them down. After a bit, he finally got a Journal, and then I shared that His "First Stone" was going to be a "Faith Stone." For it was this step that he needed to take, as he wrote down what he was hearing, see it was going to take faith to bring it forth. These are just a few examples of What the Lord is currently doing, as he sets up Stepping stones of Identity. 

Write your Identity Stone(s) here and begin to ask The Spirit how to build on them, also keep a watchful eye on additional stones that The Spirit will set up and join to your current foundation stone(s)

Thursday, February 20, 2014

A Prophetic Weave


The Spirit of The Lord is weaving together many gifts and callings in the  midst of today's intimate believers. “The WEAVE,” as I call it, is going to intertwine The functions of the Spirit in a new and demonstrative way. We will see The Intercessor, The Worshiper and The Prophetic, weaved into one single fabric. A coat of New Colors will clothe those that are seeking him. 

New Mantles delivered and worn with a greater level of Heavenly Authority in these Last Days. The callings of these distributed gifts will still remain the same, The worshiper will still worship, The Intercessor will still intercede, and The Prophetic will still prophesy, all of which will be done under the anointing, These will compliment one another’s strong points and flow together in an unique unity. The prophetic will prophesy in worship, the intercessor will pray and intercede with heavenly strategies through worship, and the worshipper will bring forth the atmosphere of heaven through prophetic decrees and fragrant streams of incense to The Altar.

These Newly clothed Worshiping Prophetic Intercessors will be united in one body yielding to the Spirit of the Lord. These Newly mantled believers will find a Greater Prophetic release and a stronger sense of God's presence not only upon themselves, but also upon their local gathering places. This is the intimacy that is being released between the Bride and the Bridegroom. For some time The Father has been without this "Fullness of Worship," since the fall of His creation. But now, as we come into the realization of worshiping in Spirit and Truth, we will come boldly before HIS throne, re-positioned in a place of re-filling a spot that has been left vacant. The Lord says “No longer!” This place of honor is reserved for a time as NOW and people such as US! It's not because there haven't been worshipers in the past, or Intercessors, even prophets for that matter, but we are now seeing these three come into the function as one, and these three in the one will be crying out in the spiritual atmosphere, crying out for the HEART of GOD. The season is approaching, and the time is almost High, and a people is nearly ready; coming together to manifest the Glory. The Lord is saying that He is filling that vacated position, with us. The intimate worshiper, the intimate intercessor, the intimacy of the Prophetic.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Prove them Wrong!


The Lord pulled me away in my time of prophetic intercession, I went deep, deep, deep into what seemed like space. Then he brought into my view the earth and as he brought me in even closer to the earth from his point of view, I saw the fallen Host of Heaven, and they were hunting believers upon the earth. As I looked even closer, the believers that were caught, were hung upside down upon upside down crosses. The whole earth was filled with these upside down crosses with believers hanging on them. Then the fallen angels began to strip the flesh off of the believers that were hung on the crosses, and wore their flesh as "skin suits," they looked like believers on the out but they were fallen within. Then the fallen host wearing these suits of flesh stood on the earth and looked up to heaven and shook their fist at God, saying to HIM, "cant you see, man is only and always will only be flesh. He doesn't know how to worship you, he doesn't know how to hold you in awe, man has no idea who it is that you are, Great God of ALL, only we, who are of the heavenlies know your awesomeness." Then they danced and paraded themselves around the earth showing to GOD that man was only flesh and will never be able to come to the place of worship that the Host of Heaven brings to him day, after day, after day, for all Eternity. After this the vision went black and there was nothing, all was quiet, no movement, no noise, just silence and then I heard the voice of the Lord, and it was as clear as the dawning of the day and he said to me. "Its Beginning, PROVE THEM WRONG !"

Thursday, February 13, 2014


There’s a Prophetic disclosure given in The WORD of GOD on how to be changed into the New Creation that GOD has created you to be, and it comes from speaking prophetically over your OWN LIFE. NOW is the time when you must rise up and be the person GOD created you to be.

This transformation can only come from what GOD has already spoken about you, not from what others have perceived you to be, or even what they may say.

This is where the Battle for who YOU are must be fought.

1Tm 1:18  This charge I commit unto thee, son Timothy, according to the prophecies which went before on thee, that thou by them mightest war a good warfare;


See, the words spoken over your life are for more than just listening to every now and then. You must come to the understanding that prophetic words carry the weight of HEAVEN on them, and it’s these Prophetic Words and Decrees of GOD’S HEAVENLY WILL that will manifest in your life here on the earth. They’re the Principles of The Kingdom setting you up to live that Kingdom Life here and Now! This is why you must be constantly speak your prophetic promises over yourselves, for they are the seeds YOU plant into your own life. This is the creative power that God has entrusted to you. See, you get to decide what’s going to grow in your future and it is all based upon what you are speaking.

Remember, if you don't see the sprouts of the prophetic words of destiny in your life right away, it is because Prophetic Words run along the Time Line of The Spirit. 

A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things. But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.
(Mat 12:35-37)

       When you exercise The Testimony of Jesus(The Spirit of Prophecy) over your own life, you’ll begin to see that there’s a river forming in the midst of your belly, a river yearning to fill not only your life, but the lives of others you come into contact with; it’s the river of The Spirit of Prophecy, and the forming of this river is a glorious thing, for these rivers of Living Water within you are giving life to those that are thirsty.

Jn 7:37-38 In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come to me, and drink. He that believes on me, as the scripture
has said, out of his belly will flow
rivers of living water.

This Spirit of Prophecy is like a river running on inside of you, filling all the vessels that are willing to hear with words of purification, words that will set your spirit right, and create in you a clean heart of the life of The Spirit. But, the key is, are you Willing to HEAR.
The second Key is, are you willing To DO. This is the strategy of the Kingdom, for we cannot just hear the Words of direction that come to us, we must do them, for if not, they will only become words of complacency and thoughts of things we should have done. They will become silent reminders of who it was we Could have been, and of where it was we Should have ended up. For there are no bystanders standing in the river, yes, we have those that will wade in the water, but the time of floating in the prophetic words of your own life is coming to an end, that time of only remembering what a prophet had told you, and loving the way the words sounded as they were spoken to you, but you never really did anything with them, you just soaked in the river pools of the prophetic. You must understand, the River of Prophecy is MOVING, it's ALWAYS flowing, and will carry those who are willing to get in all the way, those willing to be taken by the current to the destiny that The Spirit has for them. This is the life that is lived in the river that flows.

When you begin to speak prophetically you must come to first learn the lesson that the Word you give also has an impact for you to embrace. The prophetic word you give to another, has you in mind as well, for as The Word flows through you, it leaves traces of The Word spoken remaining in you. It’s like when you pour out a cup that has been filled with water, there’s still a remnant of what the cup was holding inside, even after it has been poured completely out.

So now, you must begin to walk in what GOD has called you to do; prophesy. This is the sign of the peculiarity in every believer today, this is what makes you different from the rest of the world; your words, your PROPHETIC WORDS. For when you speak back to GOD what HE sees you as, your aligning yourself with what HE has already said of you. It’s then that HE tunes HIS ear to your words, for in essence HE is hearing HIS own native language being spoken back to him by his very own people. HE hears, along with all of Heaven, a language of prophetic declaration, the language of CREATION; say it and see it come to pass! LET there BE LIGHT IN YOUR LIFE.

But your Father will not force you to speak, so it’s up to you to open your mouth and declare to the world with your prophetic voice, who he has called you to be, where he has called you to go, and what he has given you to possess. Silence will bring you nothing, but, a voice of Prophetic Praises will open up the doors of heaven and release a rainfall of prophetic blessing upon you, Making you a NEW CREATURE of PROPHESY.

1Samuel 10:5,6 After that thou shalt come to the hill of God, where is the garrison of the Philistines: and it shall come to pass, when thou art come thither to the city, that thou shalt meet a company of prophets coming down from the high place with a psaltery, and a tabret, and a pipe, and a harp, before them; and they shall prophesy: And the Spirit of the LORD will come upon thee, and thou shalt prophesy with them, and shalt be turned into another man. And let it be, when these signs are come unto thee, that thou do as occasion serve thee; for God is with thee.
We all have to come to the place where it’s just us and HIM, you and GOD, so take the time and look for those who have the Prophetic Gift, look for The Prophets, for they are associated, then saturate yourself with the flow from the prophetic river of life. These are vital elements of walking in the Newness of the life of The Spirit that Christ has offered to you.

GOD will not transform you by force, it’s up to you to offer up yourself  to him. You have to let go of all the unnecessary weights; circumstances or people that weigh you down. These are not going where you're going, and they have nothing to do with what HE has called you to possess. Sit back and lean on Christ, for GOD has not called you to be busy about with the Life of the World, the hustle and bustle of keeping up. But GOD has called you as a believer to live a Life of Simplicity, recognizing who you are, and what is to go with you on the journey that HE has for your life. There can be nothing of the past, only what’s fresh and new. HE said HE was going to do a New Thing in the earth, and it’s beginning with HIS people.

Change your mind, and set things in order. Don't put up with what used to be, become God’s New Creature in the earth and prophesy! Prophecy begins with The Father Directing YOU! YOU are The Church and YOU need the Direction of The Spirit in YOUR LIFE

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Understanding The Ways of The Lord(Pastor Maria Tajon)

Understanding The Ways of The Lord(Pastor Maria Tajon)
Is 55:8-13 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater: So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands. Instead of the thorn shall come up the fir tree, and instead of the brier shall come up the myrtle tree: and it shall be to the LORD for a name, for an everlasting sign that shall not be cut off. 

There are many things in our lives that are not for us to work out, we must wait and have the patience to allow the Lord to do it, so we will not birth Ishmaelites.

We must understand that before the ruling in the Kingdom, there has to be a pit, and before the pit there is a stripping.

Can you pass this stress test, can you sit down and be at peace in the refiners fire. We must not run from the fire, but settle ourselves into the flames and allow all the impurities, to be purged out.

We have to get the picture that no matter where we our in our life God is with us, as long as we are going in the direction he is taking us. We have to walk in a way that we will not betray our God. 

When we are in the pit we have to make the right  moves, and those moves have to be in the direction that The Lord is leading us. See, the enemy will take away everything from you EXCEPT your ability to respond correctly. You have to realize when the enemy has done all he can to move you, you must stay grounded, for he will come with The Luring's and Tugging's of SIN! The enemy will come in with "Seduction" to seduce the Man of GOD! He will come in with Gossip and backbiting to Lure The Woman of GOD! 
Our FREE WILL is the choice as to how we are going to respond.
"The Response is my FREE WILL."

How many Ishmaelites do we have to birth before we release it to God and say " I don't know what you are doing, so there is no way that I can help, God have your way." Seek the timing and face of the Lord. And know this deep deep down in your Spirit, when God restores, HE multiplies, for HE rewards faithfulness, and it's all because you were able to fight through all the schemes of the enemy.

We have to have a people like Joseph to arise. 

Clothed in all the giftings and callings that GOD has destined for them, and unmovable.

There is another temptation in the time of the pit and that is to partially obey. If we don't understand where we are in life, then we'll be tempted to step out of the things of GOD. Just because there is a delay doesn't mean no, it just means to settle in that place and wait on the Lord.

Gen 50:19-20  And Joseph said unto them, Fear not: for am I in the place of God?  (20)  But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Colors: A Universal Language/Meaning of Colors(Ramona Helfer) www.facebook.com/livingforhimbanners

Colors: A Universal Language/Meaning of Colors

January 21, 2014 at 5:55pm
Did you know you can minister through colors.  Colors are a universal language.  For example.  When you feel that you need to worship with white flags..  The Lord is speaking to you about the Holy spirit in this place.  To someone watching you may see it as a sign of surrender and the Lord begins to poor in them.  They begen to weep and surrenders to the Lord.  You will not know that this is happening.. You just have to be obident and listen to Him when he says to move.  You didn't even have to speak.  God did it all.  So if your in a place and don't know their language remember colors are a universal language. Let Him speak to you and through you. He blesses me when I see this happen.  

Here are some colors and meanings.  Remember the key is allow the Lord to speak to you on the color you are seeing.  What I have writen down may not be what He is speaking to you.  

Combo Colors:  when you see more then one color there is a meaning behind what you are seeing.  Pray and ask the Lord what He is speaking to you about.  Example:  a few years ago I was traveling with some sisters.  She was saying she keeps seeing green and yellow.  Well green means life and yellow means glory..  immediately I heard.  New life in My glory.  Those colors combined is new life in His glory......   Always pray He is always listening and He will anserw you... 

Here are some combo colors:
Rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple: Promise of God, His covenant with us.  Ezk 1:28 Gen 9:13
Water: blues, greens: River of life, Living waters, Healing, restoration, cleansing, Latter rains, Exk 43:2 John 7:37
Fire: red, orange, yellow, gold, amber: refiner fire, Gods presence, Gods voice, Fire of the Holdy spirit. Discription of God. Exe 1:28 & 8:2 Tongues of fire Acts 2:3-4 Burning bush Ex 3:2-4
Grapevine: (Red, purple, green gold)(plum, grape, purple, orchid, white) grafted intot he true vine John 15:1 unity the priesthood of believers rev 1:6
Jubilee: all colors Lev 25:9-10
Warfare: black, gold, red: Eph 6:12

Single Colors: Remember to pay and ask God what He is speaking to you about the color you see.  What I have may not be what He is speaking.  This is only a few meanings.  There are so much more.... 

Orange: joy, celebration, fruit, fire passion praisse harvest, revelation, spiritual warfare intercession
Yellow: Holy spirit, oil of gladness, glory, light, celebration, fire, joy brilliance.
Green: healing, newness of life, fresh start, refreshing, rest, creation of earth, prosperity, love, giving, passion, Healing of the nations.
Red: the blood of Christ, redemption salvation, new wine, resurrection, scarificial love, healing, fire, blood and atonement, covenant of grace, warning
Blue: heaven, waters, river of life, Gods voice, latter rains, grace, eternal, divinity revelation knowledge, truth, washing, hope, holy spirit, freedom.
Grey: smoke - Gods presence, incense, rising prayer, could of knowhing, storm clouds, repentance and humility mourning.
Purple: Gods Majesty, Jesus the King, Royalty, Kingship, Precious, Sacred, Honor Robe of Righteousness, mediator, Kingdom Authority, dominion, Power.
Pink: humanity, the flush of youth, flowering, ripeness, romance, intmacy, 
Black: judgment, resurrection, sin, death, famine, evil, warfare, sign of humiliation
White: purity, holiness, righteousness, cleansing, the dove, transfiguration, the bride, surrender, light, angels, saints, salt, innocence.
Gold: glory,, majesty, fire of the Holy Spirit, refining, God's Presence, Wealth, voice of God, Divinity, Eternal Deity, God Head, righteousness, Divine, Kingliness, mercy, Power, Refined by Fire, All Saints holiness of Life,
Silver: Holiness, Purity, majesty, Refined soul, Holy Spirit, Redemption, Word of God Strengthened, Faith, Wisdom, Grace, Price and paid by Jesus, Atonement.

These are some of the colors.  If you want to know meaning of a color not on this list message me and I can give it to you.  If I don't have a meaning I will let you know and pray with you to see what is saying through that color.  

Hope this helps some of you.  xoxo Be Blessed.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

The Goodness of GOD(pastor Larry Tajon)

There can be no compromise for what you know you have, you must reach out for it and receive it, for this is where the Victory comes from, it comes from you expanding out of your Comfort Area. This is what gives you the ability to Stay in God, to Stay situated in Christ, and see HIS goodness manifested in your life. The Lord is closing some doors and opening New Doors, even when you go through some things that may seem difficult, and it doesn't feel like you're standing in the Goodness of God, or you feel as though you have so much going on and that the Goodness of God is absent or you feel HIS Goodness has left you because things aren't going the way you want them. It is in this time that you must slam the doors shut that try to cause you to go astray from the Presence of GOD. YOU have to release the past or you wont be able to WALK IN THE NEW.

O give thanks unto the LORD, for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever. Let the redeemed of the LORD say so, whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy; (Psa 107:1-2)

Begin to praise God for all things that come into your life, for they are for the result of the Goodness of the Lord.

To the naked eye, our circumstances might look like a series of unfortunate events, but to the Spiritual Eye, we can see that there is going to come a spiritual outcome that will be for your good.

This is the year that you have to recognize the Goodness of the Lord, Guard your hearts, so that you can remain in the Goodness of GOD. Let go of offenses, for this is where the Goodness of the Lord gets wasted.

Out of the abundance of our heart my mouth speaks, so I need to see what my heart is filled with.

God is inviting us daily to go and sup that we might be able to answer his call and walk in the purposes that he has for us.

Where is God inviting you to go this year, and what is God inviting you to do this year! 

God is extending an invitation that requires a response. What will be the response you give to the invitation that 
HE has given to YOU.

Just because it's a Good thing doesn't mean it's a GOD THING!!

Praise stills the avenger, it silences the enemy, even paralyzes him.
Let this year be a year that you have a longing soul to be with The Lord.

Prophetic Word from Pastor Larry Tajon.
"My anointing is my anointing, all you need is a new appetite for me, an increased prayer life, and more of a love for everything that has to do 
with ME."