Friday, June 29, 2018

The Vision Prophetic Study Bible 1Peter 1:3

The Risen Christ
3 (g)24Blessed is the God and Father of our 25Lord 3Jesus 4Christ, who distributes (h)his overflowing 26mercy, by (i)27birthing us again 17into a living 28hope (j)29by 30resurrecting 3Jesus 4Christ from the dead,

3 It’s time for you to speak well of your God and Father, thanking Him as you pierce into the dark things of The Spiritual Word. Fully enter this new season of salvation and deliverance, and flow according to My tender mercy upon your life. For My compassion is moving and breathing in you like never before, regenerating a fresh season of prosperity and praise, changing your natural state of mind into a spiritual one. But first, recognize the nourishment of hope resurrected in your life, recovering the spiritual truths raised from the dead. Anointed truths restored to live in you through the salvation and deliverance found in Christ. Then, expect to build confidence in your heart from the anticipation you received from The Spirit.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

The Vision Prophetic Study Bible 1st Peter 1:2

1Peter 1:2 (b)12Chosen (c)by God the Father’s 13foresight (d)14in the 15Spirit’s 16purity, 17to 18obey and also (e)19sprinkle the 20blood of 3Jesus 4Christ: may (f)21influence and 22peace 23overflow to you.

Prophetic Inspiration
1Peter 1:2  You are elected according to the prophetic knowledge of The Father; chosen and favored by The Kingdom. The Father chose to purify and make you holy, a work that can only be done by the purifier of life, The Holy Spirit. So pay attention to His voice and listen positioned under His authority, doing what you hear. He’s the one pouring the Atoning Blood of Christ upon you, imparting the salvation and deliverance of Christ into you. See, The Anointing breaks the bondages in your life and makes you free. This is why you have to hear and understand, then do what you heard. For My influence upon your heart reflects the life I give you through the flow of My blood, which is fully anointed. So join yourself to this anointed flow because it gives you the quiet rest of My presence, My Grace. Bring yourself to enter this Kingdom peace, embracing it and holding it dear. Have times of intimacy with it, times of peace. Because when you hold My peace, I’ll hold you and give you direction in all that you do, increasing and abounding you in the fullness of the Godhead.

Monday, June 25, 2018

The Vision Prophetic Study Bible A Revelation of God's Love in The Last Days

1 Peter 1.1 1Peter, an 2apostle of 3Jesus 4Christ, (a)to the 5travelers 6scattered throughout 7Pontus, 8Galatia, 9Cappadocia, 10Asia, and 11Bithynia.

Prophetic Inspiration
The First Stone-1.1 The revelations of the truth you receive are spiritual rocks and stones set apart for the building process of your life. These stones cause you to be an ambassador of My gospel and send you on a mission of evangelism. They also give you the ability to share these prophetic truths of The Kingdom with others. Revelations that bubble up on the inside of you and flow through the sanctified oil of My Anointing; My salvation and deliverance pulling you out of religion. Now, I want you to give these anointed stones to your brothers and sisters in the earth, spiritually dispersed seeds that I’ve sown as the Son of Man (Mt13:37). You also need to understand that you’re an expressed word for a specified time; you are a word of The Lord and will be fulfilled. Now, some of these revelations and truths are to be sent to My separated ones in the sea, the place where the great whore sits (Rev17:15); masses of people surviving the surging waves of the world. Other truths must exist in those who still partake of the milk of The Word, babes in Christ. Some of these truths find themselves in hands that work righteousness; the fashioning points in believers lives buckling together the belt. Other strategic revelations will be found in the lives of those stuck face down in the boggy clay, those whose peace is drowned out by the noise and confusion of the world. Still, there are other revelations positioned in those currently in the midst of the storm. So no matter what situation you’re in, you need to fully understand all of these revelations, so that you can speak them from The Anointing inside of you.

Saturday, June 23, 2018

The Vision Prophetic Study Bible

The 2nd Book just published in The Vision Prophetic Study Bible Series.
Here's the Link

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Spiritual CPR

Sunday May 3 2018
I was in worship this morning and the Lord told me that he was going to begin CPR on the church his body but it will only be for the ones who will allow him to breathe into them and then cause them to Exhale all the things that they have not allowed themselves to release, he said that as I breathe into them some will not allow the breath to Exhale because there is a spirit of Suffocation that does not want them to let their breath out that releases the things that are harming them, but the Lord said that because of this spirit I will breathe into them and cause pressure to come upon their chest just like compression during CPR and it is going to hurt just like CPR but as I do this, it will force out that spirit and the things that are hindering and I will continue to do this until the heart starts beating again inside the body My church. But you must realize that this is going to be painful at times, but it will bring life back to the ones whose heart is dying in the body My church

Prophet Frank McCormack Sr.