Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Colors: A Universal Language/Meaning of Colors(Ramona Helfer)

Colors: A Universal Language/Meaning of Colors

January 21, 2014 at 5:55pm
Did you know you can minister through colors.  Colors are a universal language.  For example.  When you feel that you need to worship with white flags..  The Lord is speaking to you about the Holy spirit in this place.  To someone watching you may see it as a sign of surrender and the Lord begins to poor in them.  They begen to weep and surrenders to the Lord.  You will not know that this is happening.. You just have to be obident and listen to Him when he says to move.  You didn't even have to speak.  God did it all.  So if your in a place and don't know their language remember colors are a universal language. Let Him speak to you and through you. He blesses me when I see this happen.  

Here are some colors and meanings.  Remember the key is allow the Lord to speak to you on the color you are seeing.  What I have writen down may not be what He is speaking to you.  

Combo Colors:  when you see more then one color there is a meaning behind what you are seeing.  Pray and ask the Lord what He is speaking to you about.  Example:  a few years ago I was traveling with some sisters.  She was saying she keeps seeing green and yellow.  Well green means life and yellow means glory..  immediately I heard.  New life in My glory.  Those colors combined is new life in His glory......   Always pray He is always listening and He will anserw you... 

Here are some combo colors:
Rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple: Promise of God, His covenant with us.  Ezk 1:28 Gen 9:13
Water: blues, greens: River of life, Living waters, Healing, restoration, cleansing, Latter rains, Exk 43:2 John 7:37
Fire: red, orange, yellow, gold, amber: refiner fire, Gods presence, Gods voice, Fire of the Holdy spirit. Discription of God. Exe 1:28 & 8:2 Tongues of fire Acts 2:3-4 Burning bush Ex 3:2-4
Grapevine: (Red, purple, green gold)(plum, grape, purple, orchid, white) grafted intot he true vine John 15:1 unity the priesthood of believers rev 1:6
Jubilee: all colors Lev 25:9-10
Warfare: black, gold, red: Eph 6:12

Single Colors: Remember to pay and ask God what He is speaking to you about the color you see.  What I have may not be what He is speaking.  This is only a few meanings.  There are so much more.... 

Orange: joy, celebration, fruit, fire passion praisse harvest, revelation, spiritual warfare intercession
Yellow: Holy spirit, oil of gladness, glory, light, celebration, fire, joy brilliance.
Green: healing, newness of life, fresh start, refreshing, rest, creation of earth, prosperity, love, giving, passion, Healing of the nations.
Red: the blood of Christ, redemption salvation, new wine, resurrection, scarificial love, healing, fire, blood and atonement, covenant of grace, warning
Blue: heaven, waters, river of life, Gods voice, latter rains, grace, eternal, divinity revelation knowledge, truth, washing, hope, holy spirit, freedom.
Grey: smoke - Gods presence, incense, rising prayer, could of knowhing, storm clouds, repentance and humility mourning.
Purple: Gods Majesty, Jesus the King, Royalty, Kingship, Precious, Sacred, Honor Robe of Righteousness, mediator, Kingdom Authority, dominion, Power.
Pink: humanity, the flush of youth, flowering, ripeness, romance, intmacy, 
Black: judgment, resurrection, sin, death, famine, evil, warfare, sign of humiliation
White: purity, holiness, righteousness, cleansing, the dove, transfiguration, the bride, surrender, light, angels, saints, salt, innocence.
Gold: glory,, majesty, fire of the Holy Spirit, refining, God's Presence, Wealth, voice of God, Divinity, Eternal Deity, God Head, righteousness, Divine, Kingliness, mercy, Power, Refined by Fire, All Saints holiness of Life,
Silver: Holiness, Purity, majesty, Refined soul, Holy Spirit, Redemption, Word of God Strengthened, Faith, Wisdom, Grace, Price and paid by Jesus, Atonement.

These are some of the colors.  If you want to know meaning of a color not on this list message me and I can give it to you.  If I don't have a meaning I will let you know and pray with you to see what is saying through that color.  

Hope this helps some of you.  xoxo Be Blessed.

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