Sunday, May 25, 2014

Stepping Stones of Identity

Stepping Stones of Identity

So many times, we often struggle to find our Identity in Christ, who are we and more important, who are we to be?  Of course, we know the automatic answers that we often give as believers, we say things like "I am a child of The Most High, I am the beloved in Christ, I'm the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus." 

But specifically, who are you IN CHRIST. I know that most of us might think we know, especially if you're already a Pastor, with a congregation, this is your gift and calling. But what about the rest of us?
I was speaking to a prophet on this subject during a recent men's group and he had said it took him over a decade to Recognize that the gift he was operating in was actually the mantle of His calling.

So then, what is your gift, and how does this specifically run along side with your calling, and how do these two function together in the midst of the corporate body, along with the operation of them in your everyday life.

We recently had a Men's group and with the input of others , I came up with this short little lesson that I am going to share with you, hopefully it can help you answer some of these questions with the Leading of The Holy Spirit.

Stepping Stones to Identity

Prayer-that ALL would come into their Biblical Identity, being drawn in spiritually because of a hunger for what The Lord is doing. "We Want More, LORD!"

The Lord is guiding us to the point that we would reflect less of Who we are
and More of Who HE is IN us. 
We are becoming Spiritual Mirrors that catch HIS Glory 
and reflect it into The World.

Prayer-That The Spirit would reveal Who you are and prompt you to be more in tune with hearing HIM. You can only truly know who you are by Hearing Him, and then acknowledging what you heard, by DOING IT!! We would miss everything if we couldn't hear who we are, and who we are to be. Once we have heard, we have the responsibility to accept who it is that we are. For it is in this acceptance of our Personal Identity, that the directions, words, and decisions we make will flow, they flow from this starting place. 

You have to get rid of who others think you are, especially if it doesn't fall in line with Who You Know The LORD says you ARE!

You must EXERT FAITH in the pursuit of The Lord, finding your Destiny In HIM!

Who are you? Be specific-Who has God called you to be, not only in your own right as an individual believer, but also as a member of the Body of Christ? If you have no idea, right now is the time for the tugging, you must come into the presence, and tug on The Spirit, ask HIM to give you your biblical Identity, ask HIM to give you your New NAME. Throughout the scriptures we see God's people receiving a name change from the Lord, Abram became Abraham, Sarai became Sarah, Hoshea or Oshea was now Joshua, even our Lord received a name change, for he was to be called Immanuel which at birth came to be Jesus. You see, HE calls all his Sheep BY NAME, HE calls them by there Biblical Honor, their Kingdom Authority and Their Heavenly Character.

NOW, who are you to be? Realize that from the previous answer you gave, that this is just a Stepping Stone of Identity, the foundation of who you are to be being laid in Christ. Now go, and build even further from this first foundation stone of identity, for this is the Spiritual House(YOU) that is to be built(currently doing), like a man building his house upon the rock. There is a building that is to be currently taking place, a building that The Spirit is doing IN YOU, upon the foundation, which is Christ, The Corner Stone upon which every other stone fits. 

You have to watch what your heart is established in, for this becomes your mindset and the things that you repeat. 
YOU have to Habitually Re-pattern ourselves.

So now, who are you not? This is a very important factor, for when you know who you are, you can cast aside all other voices that say who they think you are. You can throw aside even your own thoughts which try to remind you of the past person you used to be. So, Who are you not?

In the midst of your New Identity and the Spiritual Realization of it is where your Provision lies. This PRO-VISION is not only for you, but also your family. See, we all have an appetite, and love to eat our own favorite foods which our taste buds enjoy. When we look at this spiritually, we will see that the daily manna we receive will be established by what we feed ourselves. This then is what The Father will send to us.

What does it mean to bring your family Pro-Vision?

And what does it mean to bring it in the midst of who you are? 

example-if God has called you to be a worshiper(remember that this can change with the seasons and timings you are currently in), but, if this is currently the case, then your pro-vision will first flow from out of this aspect of Worship. Are you currently flowing in the prophetic, so then, this too, is the place where your pro-vision will flow from; it will come from the flow of the Prophetic. 

You also have to understand that your pro-vision is not just going to be in this one arena of Spiritual Callings and Gifting's, but at the same time, this is the place where your founding pro-vision (foundation provided) will be from, and the rest of the building will come from this founding. 

Here are a couple of examples of what I call Identity Stones:
A new brother in the Lord had been reading his daily devotional, and it had to do with "Waiting on The Lord." Later that day, he was driving home from work, and while remembering the devotion, a car pulled in front of him and nearly hit him; he almost got into a wreck. It was at this time that he realized, that everything had lined up with the "Timing of The Lord," as he waited on GOD. When he came to share this testimony, we saw that his "First Stone" that the Lord was setting up was a "Timing Stone," and everything that He was going to build was going to start with this "First Stone," for everything was going to be in HIS(The Lord's) Timing. 
Another brother of mine, kept getting songs in his head, with the chords to them as well, but he kept putting off writing them down, not sure what to do. I told him to get a journal and begin to write them down. After a bit, he finally got a Journal, and then I shared that His "First Stone" was going to be a "Faith Stone." For it was this step that he needed to take, as he wrote down what he was hearing, see it was going to take faith to bring it forth. These are just a few examples of What the Lord is currently doing, as he sets up Stepping stones of Identity. 

Write your Identity Stone(s) here and begin to ask The Spirit how to build on them, also keep a watchful eye on additional stones that The Spirit will set up and join to your current foundation stone(s)

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