Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Greater Spiritual Vision Part II

A Greater Spiritual VISION RELEASED Part II

We have to come to the place where our response is greater to his speaking, then just the familiar phrase that comes with our “Christianese” of, “that’s a Good Word.” Too often, I hear conferences where the revelation that comes forth, is truly, a strategy released from Heaven, and should bring MOVEMENT to the Body, moving us to DO, but we are still in the same place. 

             We have gotten so used to receiving revelation after revelation, experience after experience and confirmation after confirmation. What do we think that all of these, exposures to The Spirit are for?  There for us to do something, if we find ourselves doing nothing with what he has ALREADY given to us, then we must consider this. Are we becoming “Spiritual Gluttons,” that move from feast to feast?
See, a restructuring of our hearing must take place, so that we can move INTO what the Spirit wants to do, instead of just being entertained with what we see him doing. If you are not doing anything with what he has given you, then The Spirit has only become another form of Christian Entertainment to you, and just like the worlds from of entertainment today, you can switch the channel, when you want to receive something else that peaks your interest. We have to transition from just “hearing” the word, to actually “seeing,” what that Word wants to do in our lives. Too often, we receive a word from the Lord and really do not like what THE WORD wants to do in us, so we place that word on the shelf and pick a “New Word,” something that suits our taste for the time being.  
When there is a releasing of A Prophetic Word, we must literally see the revelation being released, “you know if that word was for you or not, we all do.” Then, in some tangible way apply that word, or better yet, be open to see how that Word wants to apply itself to your life. We have to let the prophetic word have control, instead of us, trying to control what we want the prophetic word to do for us. We must let the word have free reign in our lives and try not to manage it, but truly release it.

Because of this, a restructured vision must occur, to bring about
a Prophetic Revolution in our lives.

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Author,. Frank Cyrus McCormack

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